Optitrol SeroNeg

According to the ready-to-use concept the control vial may remain directly in the carrier or the roboter of the test system. All  manual steps, e.g. the refilling as a possible source of mistakes are avoided. The daily dead volume no longer exists - the utilization of the test material is nearly 100%. Optimized for different assays. Ready-to-use.

Analytes SeroNeg
Anti-HIV 1 IgGAnti-HCV IgGAnti-HTLV I IgG
Anti-HBc HBsAg Anti-Treponema pallidum IgG 


Cat.-No: SR11001, Content: 2 x 1 mL, negative
Cat.-No: SR11002, Content: 2 x 5 mL, negative

Ready-to-use for common systems,
e.g. ABBOTT ARCHITECT®, DiaSorin LIAISON®, Roche Elecsys® and others

  • vials developed according to the platform
  • very small dead volume 
  • Multimarker controls
  • barcoded controls
  • easy handling
  • time saving and cost reducing