Optitrol Multiallergy Inhale

Liquid multi control with the following analytes:
D1, D2, D70, I6, T2, T3, T4, T7, G12, W1, W2, W6, W7, W9, W20, W206, I1, I3, K82, E1, E3, E5

Optitrol Multiallergy Inhale

Cat. No: AL0107, Content: 2 x 2.5 ml

Cat. No: AL0108, Content: 4 x 2.5 ml

Target values

Lot DM19037



Ready-to-use for common systems,
e.g. ABBOTT ARCHITECT®, DiaSorin LIAISON®, Roche Elecsys® and others

  • vials developed according to the platform
  • very small dead volume 
  • Multimarker controls
  • barcoded controls
  • easy handling
  • time saving and cost reducing